Charity & Volunteering
Charities supporting prematurity are close to my heart.
Every year, over 90,000 babies are cared for in neonatal units in the UK because they have either been born prematurely or full term but sick. This means that around 1 in 7 babies born in the UK each year are admitted onto neonatal units. Source: Neonatal care statistics | Bliss
I am myself a mum of a former premature baby, born at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital (almost two months early). My first baby spent several weeks at the “Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” (NICU) there. My initial journey in NICU was a mentally exhausting experience. From the moment the baby is taken away from you just after giving birth. Being told the next 48 hours are crucial. The first night (of too many) you go home, and your baby doesn’t. Thanks to the fantastic job of the NHS’ NICU teams, my daughter is now a thriving girl aged 8!

Picture taken at the Chelsea
& Westminter hospital
I now want to “give back” to the NHS and I support the work of NICU teams by donating my time and reflexology skills. I offer free reflexology treatments to NICU nurses and parents at St Mary’s hospital (Winnicott Baby Unit) via the Cosmic charity.

Picture taken at St Mary’s hospital’s NICU Winnicott Baby Unit
after reflexology sessions
Cosmic Charity
COSMIC supports babies and children’s and neonatal intensive care units. You can donate to the Cosmic charity via About Us - COSMIC.
Borne Charity
Borne funds research to prevent premature birth. “Our aim at Borne is to keep babies in the womb – where they belong; where they will mature and grow best; where their development will be best.” Professor Mark Johnson, Borne Founder. You can donate to the Borne charity via Donate - Borne